== Changelog == = 1.0.462 = * Modifies the Slider control. Allow to configure them as read-only and format the typed values. * Loads the styles files as soon as possible to fix an issue with the loading form animation. = 1.0.461 = * Modifies the getURLParameter operation. * Improves the integration with the Gutenberg editor. = 1.0.460 = * Fixes a typo. = 1.0.459 = * Includes a new attribute in the calculated fields to indicate the equation's result is a currency and display the negative numbers like -$5.30 * Fixes a compatibility issue with PHP 8. = 1.0.458 = * Modifies the Summary control to allow hiding the empty fields. * Improves the errors detection. = 1.0.457 = * The slider fields can be excluded from submission. = 1.0.456 = * Fixes an issue in the date controls. * Modifies the CDATE operation. * Fixes some conflicts with PHP 8. * Adds the EOMONTH operation in the Date/Time operations module (Developer and Platinum versions). = 1.0.455 = * Includes a new option in the form's settings to display a loading form animation. * Modifies the tooltips icons. * Fixes an issue displaying the tooltips on forms' pages. = 1.0.454 = * Modifies the IGNOREFIELD and ACTIVATEFIELD operations for accepting the form as the second parameter. = 1.0.453 = * Fixes an issue with the default values in the Phone fields. * Implements the IRR operation in the Financial Operations module (Developer and Platinum versions). * Includes a new attribute in the CFF - WooCommerce add-on. It allows you to define the product's title in the cart through the form (Developer and Platinum versions). = 1.0.452 = * Fixes an issue in the Slider control synchronizing the typed values and the handle's position. * Adds the new method set_step in the number controls. = 1.0.451 = * Fixes an issue with the Slider controls entered manually. * Improves the settings of date/time fields. * Fixes an issue the DATEDIFF operation (Developer and Platinum versions of the CFF) = 1.0.450 = * Fixes an issue formatting the values in the calculated field. * Includes the getIndex method in Radio Buttons, checkbox, and DropDown fields. * Implements the integration between the Calculated Fields From and the Appointment Hour Booking (Platinum version of the CFF) = 1.0.449 = * Modifies the SUM and CONCATENATE operations for accepting plain objects as arguments. = 1.0.448 = * Modifies the HTML Content fields. * Improves the plugin's performance. = 1.0.447 = * Improves the plugin's performance. * Includes two new operations in the Managing Fields operations: EVALEQUATIONS and EVALEQUATION. * Fixes an issue in the PRESENTVALUE operation (Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin). = 1.0.446 = * Fixes a conflict with third party plugins that overwrite the POW operation in the plugin. * Modifies the WooCommerce add-on to allow its use with WooCommerce Booking and similar plugins (Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin). = 1.0.445 = * Fixes an issue with the Sliders for ranges. * Improves the mathematical operations. = 1.0.444 = * Fixes some compatibility issues with PHP8. = 1.0.443 = * Includes two new operations: ENABLEEQUATIONS and DISABLEEQUATIONS for enabling/disabling the dynamic evaluation of the equations, respectively. = 1.0.442 = * Modifies the validations on Date/Time fields. * Fixes an issue in the forms previews. = 1.0.441 = * Fixes an issue in the Slider controls using another slider field as the default value of the attributes. = 1.0.440 = * Modifies the setChoices method in the Radio Buttons, Checkbox, and DropDown controls. = 1.0.439 = * Modifies the Phone control. * Modifies the Users Permissions add-on (Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin). = 1.0.438 = * Fixes an issue duplicating summary controls. * Modifies the defaultCalc operation for accepting an object. = 1.0.437 = * Fixes a zoom issue in iPhones. * Includes a new feature in the Users Permissions add-on for sending a notification email to the users when admin edit their submissions (Developer and Platinum versions). = 1.0.436 = * Modifies the button control for accepting OnMouseDown button. * Modifies the media control to allow the width and height attributes to affect the audio tags. * Modifies the template 13 to allow printing the ticked radio buttons and checkbox fields. * Fixes a minor conflict between the no-cache attribute and the thank you pages URLs with bookmarks (Professional, Developer, and Platinum versions). = 1.0.435 = * Implements the REMAINDER operation. = 1.0.434 = * Fixes a minor issue in the radio buttons controls. * Modifies the WooCommerce add-on to allow editing the products added to the cart (Developer and Platinum versions). * Modifies the Users Permissions add-on (Developer and Platinum versions). = 1.0.433 = * Modifies the collapsible behavior in the fieldset fields. * Includes additional validations in the DS fields (Developer and Platinum versions). * Fixes a conflict with the reCAPTCHA styles (Developer and Platinum versions). = 1.0.432 = * Modifies the previsualization for forms as the pages of the form. * Fixes a conflict with the Jetpack Lazy Load images. * Modifies the module to prevent the thank you page be cached (Professional, Developer, and Platinum versions). * Modifies the popup for data edition in the Users Permissions add-on (Developer and Platinum versions). = 1.0.431 = * Allows sorting the forms list by their ids or names. * Modifies the default values on phone controls. * Modifies the MailChimp add-on in the Platinum version of the plugin. = 1.0.430 = * Includes minor changes in the Single Line Text, Password, and Email controls. * Fixes an issue with the back button on browsers. * Improves the performance of the CSV Generator add-on in the Platinum version of the plugin. * Modifies the Twilio add-on in the Platinum version of the plugin. = 1.0.429 = * Modifies the date/time control to fix an issue with the default dates. * Prevents some conflicts caused by the cache plugins. = 1.0.428 = * Modifies the plugin styles. * Fixes some conflicts with WordPress v5.6. * Fixes a minor issue in the Users Permissions add-on (Developer and Platinum versions). = 1.0.427 = * Modifies the slider control. * Modifies the styles to adapt the appearance of the form to the default theme of WordPress v5.6. * Fixes a minor issue in the CSV Generator add-on (Platinum version). = 1.0.426 = * Assign different colors to the fields in the form builder to identify them more easily. = 1.0.425 = * Updates the jQuery-UI version used by the plugin to prevent conflicts with other plugins and themes. * Allows protecting the generated PDF files (Platinum version of the plugin). = 1.0.424 = * Modifies the slider control allowing to update the corner captions dynamically. = 1.0.423 = * Modifies the settings of every control to improve the user interaction. * Includes the NPER operation in the Financial Operations Module (Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin). * Modifies the Users Registration Form add-on allowing to hide the registration form for registered users (Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin). * Improves the code of the add-ons reducing duplication (Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin). = 1.0.422 = * Modifies the settings of every control to improve the user interaction. * Fixes an issue in the CSV data-source in the DS controls (Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin). * Modifies the Users Permissions add-on to allow the administrators to filter the data by the collected information. Furthermore, it includes a new button in the Messages section for those entries associated with registered users (Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin). = 1.0.421 = * Fixes an issue with the default date in the date/time fields. * Implements the SCIENTIFICTODECIMAL operation to transform a number in scientific to decimal notation. * Modifies the Users Permissions add-on to allow the administrators to edit the entries of other users directly through the [CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS_USER_SUBMISSIONS_LIST] shortcode and the public form (Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin). = 1.0.420 = * Modifies the email controls to accept regular expressions for validation. * Modifies the password controls to accept regular expressions for validation. * Include minor modifications in the styles of phone controls. * Modifies the appearance of messages table in the commercial versions of the plugin. = 1.0.419 = * Includes the FACTORIAL operation. * Modifies some styles. * Modifies the CFFCHART operation for accepting a third parameter (optional) with the field where storing the source of the generated chart as a PNG image in base64 code (Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin). * Modifies the Users Permissions add-on to include a login form in case the form be accessible only by registered and the visitant is unregistered (Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin). * Modifies the RecordSet DS field for accessing to more relaxed JSON objects (Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin). * Fixes an issue in the PDF Generator add-on and the signature fields. = 1.0.418 = * Fixes an issue in the slider control. = 1.0.417 = * Improves the access to additional resources. = 1.0.416 = * Modifies the behaviour of the tooltip-icons to avoid putting the focus on the input tags. = 1.0.415 = * Modifies the controls to improve the accessibility including aria-label in all of them. * Includes new actions. * Modifies the Users Permissions add-on (Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin) = 1.0.414 = * Modifies the controls Dropdown, Checkbox, and Radio Buttons, to allow accessing from the equations to the information to submit, and not only the fields' values. For example, if fieldname1 is a dropdown field, use the modifier |v as part of the field' name in the equation to access the information to submit: fieldname1|v = 1.0.413 = * Modifies the operations: MIN, MAX, SUM and CONCATENATE for accepting arrays and not only numbers as their arguments. = 1.0.412 = * Fixes a conflict in the styles of the sliders' captions. * Modifies the module that generates the captcha image. * Modifies the reCAPTCHA add-on for supporting reCAPTCHA V3 (Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin) = 1.0.411 = * Modifies the Slider control to include a number component for typing the values directly, synchronizing the slider and number components. * Fixes an issue in the summary control. * Modifies the hooks in the Users Permissions add-on (Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin) = 1.0.410 = * Modifies some filters. * Fixes an issue in the WooCommerce add-on (Developer and Platinum versions) = 1.0.409 = * Fixes an issue loading the revisions. It was forcing the users to load the revision twice to take effect. * Modifies the browser's persistence feature to prevent it penalize the form's performance. * Modify the method to load the Forms Builder resources to prevent that errors in third party plugin affect ours. = 1.0.408 = * Includes the AVERAGE operation to calculate the average for the numbers passed as parameter. * Fixes an issue in the WooCommerce add-on. = 1.0.407 = * Transforms the fields' list to define the dependencies, to define the summary fields, and to define the equations in the calculated fields, into auto-complete lists, to improve the users' experience. * Includes a new attribute in the DropDown DS fields to define a first choice, independent on the choices obtained from the data-sources (Ex. a - select one - choice) (Developer and Platinum versions) * Evaluates the third-party shortcodes into the summaries defined by the Users Permissions Add-on (Developer and Platinum versions) = 1.0.406 = * Fixes an issue with the Reset buttons in multi-pages forms. = 1.0.405 = * Improves the support and integration with AMP pages, thanks to the modifications recommended by Weston Ruter (@westonruter) = 1.0.404 = * Modifies the Date/Time control. * Modifies the Reset button. = 1.0.403 = * Modifies the fieldset field to allow makes it collapsible. * Modifies the calculated fields to allow disabling the evaluation of the equations if the fields are editable, and their values are entered manually. * Modifies the way the URLs are generated when the resources are loaded directly. * Includes an attribute in the settings page to allow excluding the thank you pages from cache (Profession, Developer and Platinum versions) = 1.0.402 = * Improves the code that generates the forms builder. * Includes new filter cpcff_custom_tags (Professional, Developer and Platinum versions) * Modifies the PDF Generator add-on allowing to enter the <%pdf_generator_url%> tag into the notification emails and thank you pages. The tag would be replaced with the URL to the PDF file (Platinum versions) = 1.0.401 = * Modifies some database's columns to increase their sizes. * Adds a random parameter to the thank you page's URL to prevent it be cached (Professional, Developer and Platinum versions) = 1.0.400 = * Modifies the controls to allow using other fields in the form as their predefined values. = 1.0.399 = * Modifies the forms builder. * It has been tested in WP 5.5 = 1.0.398 = * Includes pre tags to prevent other plugins pre-process our plugin's scripts. * Fixes a conflict with Lottie. * Fixes an issue with the conditional attributes in the fields tags used in the notification emails and thank you pages (Professional, Developer and Platinum versions) * Includes a new data source alternative in the recordset fields for reading the records from a javascript variable or JSON file (Developer and Platinum versions) = 1.0.397 = * Includes the exclude attribute in the hidden fields too. = 1.0.396 = * Now edit the forms and equations is easier. The plugin includes a frame with the field's name directly on the dashboard. * Fixes an issue in the summary control. If there is a date-time field with the date component disabled, the summary will display only the time. * Fixes an issue with the progress bar in the template 07 for multi-pages forms. * Modifies the IF operation to prevent an error caused by the optimization algorithm of the WP-Optimize plugin. * Includes a new attribute in the fields' settings to exclude them from submissions and notification emails (Professional, Developer, and Platinum versions). = 1.0.395 = * Includes a new option in the plugins settings to prevent the conflicts with the optimization plugins. * Modifies the WooCommerce add-on (Developer and Platinum versions). * Fixes a minor issue in the payment gateways add-ons (Platinum version). = 1.0.394 = * Fixes an issue formatting the calculated fields results. = 1.0.393 = * Modifies the pagination process. = 1.0.392 = * Fixes an issue parsing the fields' values. * Modifies the WooCommerce add-on to allow the integration with the 'WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate' plugin (Developer and Platinum versions of the number) = 1.0.391 = * Includes additional header tags when the form URL is loaded directly. = 1.0.390 = * Modifies the calculated fields to allow formatting their values dynamically when they are editable. * Optimizes the plugin's execution reducing the time that takes generate the form. * Modifies the WooCommerce add-on allowing the integration with other plugins of the ecosystem, like WooCommerce Booking (Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin). = 1.0.389 = * Modifies the radio buttons and checkbox fields to fix some conflicts with third party themes. = 1.0.388 = * Begins a process of the plugin's optimization, removing unnecessary code. * Fixes an issue in the predefined template 13. = 1.0.387 = * Fixes two issues in the tooltips with the instructions for users. It prevents the tooltips be displayed over the radio buttons and checkbox configured as side-by-side, and prevents the tooltips be cut-off on mobiles and small screens. * Fixes an issue in the IGNOREFIELD and ACTIVATEFIELD operations to prevent infinite loops. * Implements the if_paid parameter in the [CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS_RESULT] and [CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS_RESULT_LIST] shortcodes to load only the paid entries (Professional, Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin). = 1.0.386 = * Includes a new attribute in the currency fields to allow truncate the values entered by the users to two decimal places. * Includes a new modifier to be used with the fields' names in the equations (|n) to prevent the fields' names be replaced by their values (Ex. fieldname1|n). Now it is possible to call the getField operation as follows: getField(fieldname1|n) * Modifies the plugin's styles to prevent a conflict with third party themes. * It does not set the focus by default in multi-pages forms when are loaded from mobiles devices. = 1.0.385 = * Fixes a style conflict. = 1.0.384 = * Modifies the behavior of the instructions for the users, allowing to display them on icons. * Fixes a conflict with a third party plugin. * Modifies the WooCommerce add-on. Includes a checkbox to replace the 'Add To Cart' buttons in the pages of the shop and archives by 'View Product' buttons (Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin). = 1.0.383 = * Includes additional validations rules to identify possible conflicts with Hummingbird. = 1.0.382 = * Modifies the HTML Content field to integrate a HTML editor into the Content attribute. = 1.0.381 = * Modifies the container fields (DIV and Fieldsets) allowing rearrange the fields in columns. * Fixes an issue with the fields' focus in the multi-pages forms. * Allows to get the length of numbers. * Includes the LATLNG operation in the DISTANCE operations module to get the latitude and longitude corresponding to an address, or the text FAIL (Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin). = 1.0.380 = * Fixes an issue displaying the captcha preview. = 1.0.379 = * Modifies some texts in the plugin's interface. * Modifies some CSS rules. * Improves the plugin's registration process (Professional, Developer, and Platinum versions) * Modifies the PayTM add-on (Platinum version) = 1.0.378 = * Fixes an issue extracting the website's domain when the code is running as CLI. = 1.0.377 = * Improves the plugin's performance. * Removes unnecessary attributes from the form's settings. * Modifies some styles. * Allows identify easier the errors with the notification emails, generating an entry in the Error Logs (Professional, Developer, and Platinum versions of the plugin). * Modifies the PrintFriendly add-on, allowing configure the emails where attach the pdf files. = 1.0.377 = * Improves the plugin's performance. * Removes unnecessary attributes from the form's settings. * Modifies some styles. * Allows identify easier the errors with the notification emails, generating an entry in the Error Logs (Professional, Developer, and Platinum versions of the plugin). * Modifies the PrintFriendly add-on, allowing configure the emails where attach the pdf files. = 1.0.376 = * Modifies the module that loads the plugin's resources. * Modifies the module to export the forms. Now the forms list includes the form's id in front of forms' names, and the name of generated file, has the structure: export_id_yyyy-mm-dd_hhiiss.cpfm (Professional, Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin) * Modifies the Users Permissions add-on to support the new attributes in the submissions shortcode: from, to, limit, order (Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin) * Includes the DMSTODD operation in the Distance operations module to convert degrees, minutes and seconds values into decimal degrees (Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin). * Modifies the SagePay add-on (Platinum version of the plugin) = 1.0.375 = * Includes additional validations rules to identify possible conflicts with other optimization plugins. * Fixes an encoding issue with some ampersand symbols in generated URLs. = 1.0.374 = * It makes easier debugging the errors in the equations. * Includes the new CSS class hide-strong, it applies the display:none with the !important modifier. * Includes two new operations in the Managing Fields module, ACTIVATEFIELD and IGNOREFIELD for activating and ignoring the fields programmatically. * Reduces the space between fields after the forms' submissions. = 1.0.373 = * Includes additional validations rules to identify possible conflicts with other optimization plugins. = 1.0.372 = * Includes additional validations rules to identify possible conflicts with other optimization plugins. * Includes the role attribute in the [CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS_RESULT_LIST] shortcode to display the submissions list for specific users roles. = 1.0.371 = * This update modifies the plugin's code to prevent poorly implemented optimization plugins affect the forms. Some optimization plugins do not distinguish between a javascript comment and a regular expression, breaking the plugins code in the optimization process. = 1.0.370 = * Includes two new operations: SUM and CONCATENATE. In javascript the plus operator is overloaded, it is used to sum numbers and concatenate texts, these operations solve the ambiguity. * Includes a new section in the settings page of the plugin to identify possible causes of conflicts with third party plugins. = 1.0.369 = * Fixes a compatibility issue with the new version of Gutenberg editor. = 1.0.368 = * Includes the generateURL operation in the URL Operations Module to generate a valid URL, given a base URL, a plain object for parameters, and hash. * Fixes the documentation of operations modules. * Fixes an issue in the advanced equations editor that was ignoring some operations modules. = 1.0.367 = * Includes two new operations in the URL Operations Module: getURLHash and getURLPath * Includes a new attribute in the troubleshoot area to fix the wrong encoding of notification emails (Professional, Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin). = 1.0.366 = * Some few changes in the interface. * Allows to use the raw values of fields for filtering in the datasource fields: <%fieldname1|r%> (Developer and Platinum versions of the plugin). = 1.0.365 = * Includes new options into the settings page of the plugin for controlling the direct access to the forms and their APM versions. = 1.0.364 = * Implements the new operation LCM: least common multiple between two numbers. = 1.0.363 = * Modifies the next/previous page behavior, in multi-pages forms, for jumping pages without active fields. = 1.0.362 = * Fixes a conflict with third party plugins like MailChimp for WooCommerce.